Tuesday 19 July 2011

Current Phase : Berry's, Deep Red & Burgundy For Autumn

If your going to follow this blog there is one thing you need to know and that is that i am a very fickle person!When ever i find something i love i will obsess over it put my heart and soul into getting it in all the shapes sizes and colours and then i will find something new and my old obsession disappears.This wouldn't be so bad but the problem is this seems to occur on and 2/3 week basis making it hard to keep up with!

So because of this i am starting my Current Phase series to blog about my current loves and see if you love them to!

Now this phase has been hovering over me for a little while as i am generally a COLOUR PHOBIC! yes thats right Black, White & neutrals are my comfort zone obviously with a spot of coral here and there and of course only with a tan!So during the colder months your never likely to find me in a coloured top let alone coloured trousers!

The ones i have my eye on are the pair of high waisted jeans on the left (above) from Miss Selfridge £40.They are more on the brown side rather than red which for a colour phobic like my self is ideal!

My only reservation about thease are that I'm a size 10 or a small 12 and am worried they might make my legs look bigger.

So what do you think are feeling the Berry Trend for Autumn? 

Sunday 10 July 2011

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Review

I was initially drawn towards this product by the countless outstanding reviews and raves on YouTube.Almost every beauty guru you watch is hooked on it and claims that they cant live without it !I then did some further research to find it had won loads of awards and had  hundreds more reviews on the Liz Earle website.

The Liz Earle website offers the cleanser in four different sizes, as a tube or pump and with muslin clothes or with out.The price differs on size ect. but ranges from £5.10 - £23.45,I chose to purchase the 100ml pump starter kit which came in a little Liz Earle wash bag with two muslin clothes for £13.25.

When i first used the product i saw an immediate difference in my skin, it was so soft and fresh feeling looked even in tone and just an overall improvement, but as a couple of weeks past my skin seemed not so fresh feeling and looked very dull and dry with brake outs on my cheeks and chin.This was a disappointment to say the least after seeing how it had worked for everyone else, But i persevered and carried on using it.

One week on from using it for three weeks in total i am totally amazed !I can honestly say that my skin has never looked so good it has completely evened out in colour and my acne scaring has dramatically gone down looking much less noticeable.

I really can not stress enough how happy i am with this product i have always struggled with my skin after suffering from acne and going through very strong treatments to help get rid of it i was left with very sensitive but oily and sometimes dry skin, this has brought my skin back to how it should be and i can honestly say i will never stop using it !

Packaging  ♡♡♡♡♡